Gillian French

Gillian French is the author of five novels for teens: GritThe Door to JanuaryThe Lies They TellThe Missing Season, and Sugaring Off. Her books have been finalists for an Edgar Award, a Bram Stoker Award, and an International Thriller Award, and have won a Lupine Award and two Maine Literary Awards. She lives with her husband and sons in Maine, where she’s perpetually at work on her next novel. Visit her online at
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About the Author

Author photo of Gillian French

Gillian French is the author of five novels for teens: Grit, The Door to January, The Lies They Tell, The Missing Season, and Sugaring Off. Her books have been finalists for an Edgar Award, a Bram Stoker Award, and an International Thriller Award, and have won a Lupine Award and two Maine Literary Awards. She lives with her husband and sons in Maine, where she’s perpetually at work on her next novel. Visit her online at
